When you buy hosting from any hosting company, that company provides a panel for your convenience. Although there are many types of panels, but most of the companies provide C-panel for hosting. C-Panel helps a lot in managing our website.
Let's get into how to install WordPress on our website using Cpanel. The interesting thing is, no coding knowledge or a degree in rocket science is required to install WordPress on a website using Cpanel.
1. Login to Cpanel
First of all go to your Cpanel, you can access by these simple methods.
- Ist Method, Go to your hosting provider dashboard and simply login in Cpanel. Mostly hosting provider give single click access Cpanel.
- Second Method, Just type your website address (ex: website.com/cpanel) in browser with cpanel.
Now login to your Cpanel dashboard using username and password.
2. Go to Software Section in Cpanel
Now Scroll down and search for Software Section or Softaculous Apps Installer. Next click on WordPress Manager by Softaculous in Software Section or Softaculous Apps Installer.
3. Go to WordPress in Softaculous
Now Click on Blogs in left side menu, you will find many scripts for Blog provided by Softaculous. Just Click on WordPress in left side menu Section. You are now on WordPress Installation page in Cpanel.
Click on Install Now button for Software Setup for localhost or website.
4. Preparing for WordPress Installation
Now we are going to Setup for WordPress Installation on our website or localhost. Follow all steps one by one carefully.
A. Software Setup
- Choose Installation URL: In this section choose your preferred Domain or Subdomain for Installing wordpress.
- Choose Protocol: https:// or https://www (Recommend).
- http:// or http://www (Not Recommend).
- Create Directory: Now create Directory if want WordPress Installation other Directory. Ex: website.com/my-directory
- Leave empty if you want wordpress Installation on main direcory. Ex: website.com
- Choose WordPress Virsion: Now Choose WordPress Virsion if you want old one, Updated Version automatically selected (Recommend).
B. Site Settings
- Site Name: Fill your Brand Name or give a Name of your website.
- Site Description: Fill the tag line of your Brand or make a new one according to your website.
- Check the box Enable Multisite (WPMU), if you want Multisite Functionality on your website, otherwise leave as it is.
- Disable WordPress Cron, leave as it is if you are new in command and coding.
C. Admin Account
- Admin Username: Make a Username for WordPress Admin Panel login and write down anywhere carefully.
- Admin Password: Now make a strong Password using Capital letters, Small Letters, Numbers and Symbols. or Use Password generator and write down anywhere carefully and secretly (Password case sensitive).
- Admin Email: Type your admin email, you'll get all updates and password recovery email on that if you forget.
D. Select Plugin(s)
- Check box Limit login Attempts (Loginizer) for extra layer of Security. It blocks all bad bots. (Recommend)
- Check box Classic Editor (Old Editor) if not familiar with Gutenberg Editor (New Editor).
- Select Language, if you want another language rather than English.
5. Install WordPress from Cpanel (Advanced Settings)
- Database Name and Table Prefix: leave as it is. (Recommend)
- Check box Disable Update Notifications Emails, if you dont want any updates notification in your email box. (Not Recommend)
- Tick in box Auto Upgrade WordPress Plugins, if want automatically update whene newer version come out.
- Tick in box Auto Upgrade WordPress Themes, if want automatically update when new version rolledout.
- Auto Upgrade: Do not Auto Upgrade, leave as it is (Recommend). Otherwise tick on Minor Virsion only or Latest Version (Not Recommend).
Backup Location and Automated Backups:
Choose Automated Backup and directory location, if want (If your hosting provider Provided) automatically Backup. Also set a backup Rotation according to your choice.
Select Theme:
Now select a theme for your website or blog according to your niche. You can also Change it later in your wordpress dashboard. Also you can install or Upload your own Premium or Free Theme.
Fill the Email in below box, where you get notification about Installation.
Finally, Click on Install, It will take 3 to 4 minutes to install wordpress on your website or localhost.
Congratulations, You have successfully installed wordpress on your website.
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